The Monolith vs. Microservices Debate


Recently, CoFounder and CTO of Wunder Capital, Dave Riess sat down with the team from IBM developerWorks and The New Builders Podcast to discuss product development at our company. Their discussion as well as a short summary is below.

One of the most interesting questions facing developers today is how to make early architecturing decisions that preserve agility, but also enable scale, both in terms of load and complexity. Also increasingly relevant is how early stage companies can take pragmatic steps to ensure the security of their sensitive data, without incurring massive development costs.

In Episode 8 of The New Builders, Dave Riess, Wunder Capital CoFounder and CTO, explains how he’s confronted these questions, and how he’s incorporated elements of both monoliths and microservices into Wunder’s architectural design. Riess describes the factors that pushed Wunder Capital toward a hybrid approach (8:40), the authentication challenges associated with breaking an app into services (10:40), and how open source projects like Rails have helped Wunder Capital overcome limited dev resources (11:37).

You can find new episodes of The New Builders on developerWorks TV and SoundCloud. Find out more about IBM Cloud Data Services at Contact hosts Doug Flora and Jim Young on Twitter (@DSFlora, @JW_Young) or email (,

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